Today's pictures are from the day we moved out of the hotel and met our host families and dorm supporters.

Another view from my balcony ... yes, I have a balcony!

The first picture from my dorm at Kamishinjyou.

A speech from one of the Vice-Presidents.

Mr President.

It's Dianna.

Did someone dip the lights?

Print-outs coming our way.

Only YOU can prevent wrong-stroke kanji learning.

Party in the corner!

Enter Jason ... Mr Cool.

A quick change on my own camera and the light looks much more different.

Art-mode set's in and I want a shot of Courtney's camera ... and Domo-kun.

"Why should you vote for me? Have you seen the competition?"

Ok, I'm gonna get asked this a few times so I'll say it now. Pak's afro is 100% genuine.

Nothing worse than someone stealing your shot.

Glasses to the eyeball ... always painful.

OBJECTION! Pak gives Phoenix Wright a fitting tribute.

Everyone's together, let's start this thing!