
Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Darlo in Japan - Photographs 13 (It's Sannomiya!)

Coming live from downtown Kobe it's SANNOMIYA!

Inside The Hub

Inside The Hub

Inside The Hub

Inside The Hub

Inside The Hub

Inside The Hub

Inside The Hub

Inside The Hub

Inside The Hub

Inside The Hub

Inside The Hub

The result.

Val and Ryan, playing an odd version of slaps.

The first shrine (or temple >_<) I visited.

Accross the road is a bar called the Hub. It's an (not at all, big dissapointment, don't even have crisps at the bar or even the Beatles on the jukebox) English Pub

Urm ... this is still in Sannomiya, right?

Laura and Courtney.

Crossing roads with lights is much easier, but still freaky when a car doesn't stop.

Sannomiya Baby!

Crossing a road in Japan is a lot different to the UK ... I still don't really know what to do on a zebra crossing.

Back end of a Bus ... urm.

And who says the Japanese don't have big balls ... (commence booing).


I wish I could say I photoshopped this pillar in (so I could get rid of it).

This arcade (look close at the big SEGA logo) had very little (no) games I knew T_T.

Sannomiya train station.

Everyone in Japan's so kind. This woman pointed me in the right direction.

Is it just me, or does that say ASS.

I practice high jumping and manage to get a good picture at the same time.

Nothing beats a bit of kimchi and ramen ... well, ramen anyway (yellow sign).

They even had salt-fish and ackee ... 1500yen? Bog off! (and I don't mean buy one get one free)

Of all the countries and all the cities in the world, I find a Jamaican Restaurant.

The FBI really need to work on their undercover operations.

I can read kanji me! On the right 山口銀行 says Yamaguchi Bank.

Don't be fooled, this is neither meditteranean nor a restaurant ... well, the ground floor of the pink building's a cafe but that's it.

All these romanji names make me forget a little that I'm actually in Japan.

Ok team, what are we going to do today ... anything?

Leila - Giggler of the moment.

Did someone say, Shopping? ... no? Oh ... my bad.

Saturday, 8 November 2008

Darlo in Japan - Photographs 12 (Train Shots Galore!)

Not many sarcastic comments in this entry, just nice pictures.

On the train, somewhere between Kamishinjyou and Sannomiya.

On the train, somewhere between Kamishinjyou and Sannomiya.

On the train, somewhere between Kamishinjyou and Sannomiya.

On the train, somewhere between Kamishinjyou and Sannomiya.

On the train, somewhere between Kamishinjyou and Sannomiya.

On the train, somewhere between Kamishinjyou and Sannomiya.

On the train, somewhere between Kamishinjyou and Sannomiya.

On the train, somewhere between Kamishinjyou and Sannomiya.

On the train, somewhere between Kamishinjyou and Sannomiya.

On the train, somewhere between Kamishinjyou and Sannomiya.

On the train, somewhere between Kamishinjyou and Sannomiya.

On the train, somewhere between Kamishinjyou and Sannomiya.

On the train, somewhere between Kamishinjyou and Sannomiya.

On the train, somewhere between Kamishinjyou and Sannomiya.

On the train, somewhere between Kamishinjyou and Sannomiya.

On the train, somewhere between Kamishinjyou and Sannomiya.

On the train, somewhere between Kamishinjyou and Sannomiya.

On the train, somewhere between Kamishinjyou and Sannomiya.

Martin on the train, somewhere between Kamishinjyou and Sannomiya.

On the train, somewhere between Kamishinjyou and Sannomiya.

On the train, somewhere between Kamishinjyou and Sannomiya.

On the train, somewhere between Kamishinjyou and Sannomiya.

On the train, somewhere between Kamishinjyou and Sannomiya.

On the train, somewhere between Kamishinjyou and Sannomiya.

On the train, somewhere between Kamishinjyou and Sannomiya.

Hayashi-sensei, leading the way.

Linguistics class.

The uphill walk up to University can sometimes be a toughy.

On the train, somewhere between Kamishinjyou and Okamoto.

On the train, somewhere between Kamishinjyou and Okamoto.

On the train, somewhere between Kamishinjyou and Okamoto.

On the train, somewhere between Kamishinjyou and Okamoto.

On the train, somewhere between Kamishinjyou and Okamoto.

On the train, somewhere between Kamishinjyou and Okamoto.

On the train, somewhere between Kamishinjyou and Okamoto.

Tastey Little Balls.

I love it when a bad joke actually gets a giggle.

Comfy chairs.

Who needs a bluecoat when you have The Blueshirts! (those of you who don't know what a Pontins is won't get the joke)

Jason is working hard to remember the kanji for Gaikokujintourokushoumeisho.

Laura shows a smile at remembering kanji.

Jason and Leila. Working hard, or hardly working?

The Ajisai Room - Our general hangout.